MD-212 series High Quality Portative fuel Dispenser Pulser
MD-212 series transducer is designed and manufactured as explosion-proof
transducer with Ex marking Exd BT4 according to GB3836.1-2000 Electrical
Apparatus for Explosive Gas Atmospheres--Part 1:General requirements,
EN60079-0:2006 Electrical AppPS-100aratus for Explosive Gas Atmospheres----Part
0:General requirements,GB3836.2-2000 Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Gas
Atmospheres-- Part 2: flameproof enclosure 'd' ,EN60079-1:2004 Electrical
Apparatus for Explosive Gas Atmospheres-- Part 1: flameproof enclosure 'd'. They
are used to automatic measure and automatic control of the dispenser and installed in
the inside of the product, where is classified as Zone 1 or Zone 2, contained Group
A or Group B gases, Temperature group T1~T4.
The technical documents, including drawings are examined and the samples are
tested by CQST (China National Quality Supervision and Test Center for Explosion
Protected Electrical Products).